Subject specialist networks: what next?
A video from the 2017 Museums Association Conference
What is the future for subject specialist networks? With austerity measures biting hard the panel discuss how these networks might support public access to collections, promote excellence, encourage closer relationships with organisations outside the museum sector and develop a coherent philosophy for the continued role of specialists in museums.
Statement on the Value of Museums and Collections
The Geological Society has issued a statement on the Value of Museums and Collections:
"The Geological Society, through its Geoconservation Committee and specialist groups such as the Geological Collections Group, works to help conserve the diverse geology and rich geological heritage of the United Kingdom to ensure it is passed on to future generations in good order. In addition to conserving geological sites, it is also important to conserve geological collections. The collections held in museums and educational centres around the UK are a great national asset and contribute to UK culture, research, science education and public engagement.
As a result of major reductions in funding from central government, local Councils and other government funded bodies are under increasing pressure to make cuts to services. One of the areas that is facing significant cuts to funding from local government is regional and local museums and collections.
This statement highlights the benefits and contributions that museums and collections, particularly local and regional institutions, make to Society through their use in research, education, preservation of UK heritage and public outreach. As well being as a source of information, we also encourage its use as a tool for geoconservation and museum communities throughout the UK to highlight the importance of museums and collections to stakeholders, funding bodies and local communities. "
The published statement can be found on the Geological Society's website.