Welcome to our resources section
Since 1974, GCG has built an extensive collection of reference materials and resources. For a number of years we have made electronic copies of these available via our website.
However the process of making these resources properly available does take time, and in some cases money, so please be patient whilst we collate them correctly into our new website.
Some publications are only made available to members of GCG - if you are a member please ensure you have logged in to see all the available content.
The Geological Curator
The Geological Curator is published once a year, normally in the autumn. Regular features include: Lost and found, short notes, conservation forum, book reviews and information series on geological collections labels.
PDFs of all issues older than two years are made available here.
Coprolite - droppings from the Geological Curators Group
Coprolite is published four times a year in March, June, September and December. Any material for inclusion should be sent to the
Published standards, guidelines etc on looking after geological collections
Books and Manuals
Think of this as a starting point to becoming a well-read geological curator. Many of the books on this list have been written, co-authored or edited by GCG members!
Type and Figured specimen catalogues
GCG maintains copies and links to catalogues of type, figured and cited specimens held in museums. Please address any enquires concerning the specimens themselves to the host institution
Collector, Dealer and Institution labels
A series featuring illustrations of labels known to have been distinctive to a particular dealer, collector or institution. Further contributions are welcomed.
Useful links
Links to other societies, suppliers, and information that you may find useful.
GCG library
The GCG library is not a real place, but rather a virtual collection of books and other resources. It was been compiled from members suggestions of books we have, books we wished we had, and books we didn't know we didn't have.
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Geoscience and Collections
Resources, literature, and advice on maintaining and upholding EDI values in the Geosciences and beyond.