(Archived Event) Introduction to GIS for Curators. Online event May 28th 2020 16.00 BST- 17.30 BST
This event has already taken place. It is archived here so that you can access the associated resources. Please check www.geocurator.org/events/ for our upcoming offerings.
Join GCG and BGS' Simon Harris in an introduction to GIS systems in the latest online event. May 28th at 16.00 BST
- What is GIS?
- How can it help me?
- How do I use it?
- What system is best?
We’ll be taking a very quick look at QGIS, and how it can be of use to curators working with geology collections. If you want to join in then you’ll need a computer with QGIS 3.10 LTR installed, but we’ll be making a recording and some notes available after the meeting for you to work through at your own pace.
Register for FREE to obtain the Zoom link (this will be emailed out on the morning of the event).
The event will run from 16.00 until 17.30 BST. Last registration is at 15.00 on the day of the event.
If you are not in the UK, you can check your local time here.
If you have any questions, please email
Do consider donating the cost of a coffee to help us keep running, to help us to help you! www.geocurator.org/donate/
GIS for Curators - resources
Here are all of the web links that were used in the seminar:
- Geographic information system - Wikipedia
- Welcome to the QGIS project!
- QGIS User Guide — QGIS Documentation documentation
- QGIS Training Manual — QGIS Documentation documentation
- Index of /testing/pdf/en
- QGIS Training Manual PDF
- QGIS User Guide PDF
- QGIS Donations
- QGIS Sustaining members and Donors
- QGIS Python Plugins Repository
- QuickMapServices: easy basemaps in QGIS | NextGIS
- OpenStreetMap Licence
- Nominatim plugin
GIS - data
- Web Map Services (WMS) | BGS Geology 50k |British Geological Survey (BGS)
- LIDAR Composite DSM 2017
- Using_EA_Lidar_V6_Dec_2018.docx
- Tutorial: How to download the LIDAR datasets from the UK Environment Agency website – Roger Pearse
- BGS Geology: 625K
GIS - capture
- Coordinate Capture Plugin
- Lat Lon tools
- The OSGR Tool for QGIS | Biodiversity Projects
- OSGB 1936 / British National Grid - United Kingdom Ordnance Survey - EPSG:27700
- WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator - Spherical Mercator, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, ArcGIS, ESRI - EPSG:3857
- WGS 84 - WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS - EPSG:4326
- Ordnance Survey Blog OSGM15 - the new geoid for Britain - Ordnance Survey Blog
- Converting between osgb36 and wgs84
GIS - sources
- OS OpenData Supply - Download or order OS OpenData
- Results for "gis" - data.gov.uk
- Natural England Open Data Geoportal
- Public Geodata for the UK - OSGeo
- Map data downloads | OpenGeoscience | Free data | British Geological Survey (BGS)
- National Trust Open Data
- GB1900 gaz
- Old Maps IOW
- Mapping platform for quick publishing of zoomable maps online – MapTiler
- OS OnDemand | GIS Data Transfer
- NLS Historic Maps Subscription API - Map images - National Library of Scotland
GIS - conclusion
- Adding ESRI’s World Hillshade layer to QGIS | IeQGIS
- 10 Free GIS Data Sources: Best Global Raster and Vector Datasets [2020] - GIS Geography
- QGIS Plugins planet
- Membership - The Geological Collections Group
- Make a donation - The Geological Collections Group
You can watch a recording of the webinar below: