GCG and SMMP joint symposium and 49th GCG AGM
The Geological Collections Group (GCG) and
The Society of Mineral Museum Professionals (SMMP)
Meeting and Seminar.
Uniting Earth Science Collections
1 December 2022
One-day online symposium
Registration for the meeting has now closed
Schedule (GMT)*
10:45 - 11:00 | Symposium Welcome |
11:00 - 13:00 | Session one - Oral Presentations |
13:05 - 13:45 | Lunch |
13:45 - 15:00 | 49th GCG AGM |
15:00 - 15:35 | Poster session |
15:35 - 15:55 | Break |
15:55 - 18:00 | Session two - Oral Presentations |
18:00 - 18:15 | Closing remarks |
18:15 - 19:00 | Break |
19:00 - 21:00 | Social event |
The full schedule for the meeting is available here, and posters can be viewed here
Zoom links will be sent out the day before the symposium to those who have registered.
The event will be hosted online via Zoom with morning and afternoon sessions of talks to accommodate for different time zones. Posters will also be accepted, available for viewing on the GCG and SMMP websites prior to the Symposium, with a live Q&A session during the symposium
Registration Fees:
GCG and SMMP Members: £14, Students: £14, Non-members: £19.
Please note all presenters are required to register to attend
Session Themes:
The Symposium has a broad theme “Uniting Earth Science Collections - The continued importance of collections, and what we can learn from them” to encourage an interesting and diverse selection of presentations. We would love to hear about you, your museum, your research, your collections. Suggested session topics include:
- Geological Society of London’s Year of Sustainability
- International Mineralogical Association’s Year of Mineralogy
- What we can learn from collections (climate change, provenancing and identification etc)
- Using collections for analysis (Sampling and analysis techniques of geological specimens, dealing with sampling requests etc)
- Using collections for Outreach, Engagement, Exhibitions (how we use collections to tell stories, engage with local and/or underrepresented communities, volunteers)
- How to gain funding
Other topics are welcomed that promote the importance and use of collections.
Abstract submissions to
49th Annual General Meeting of the Geological Collections Group:
Following the first session of the seminar, we will hold the 49th AGM of the Geological Collections Group, which will offer us a chance to discuss our activities over the past year, and to vote in new committee members. All attendees at the seminar are welcome to attend at no extra charge, although only fully paid up personal members of GCG may cast a vote. If you wish to attend only the AGM (not the seminar sessions), then there is no charge for this, please contact
Poster Gallery for Uniting Earth Science Collections
Please click on the posters to view them full size