Dear GCG Subscribers,

I’m sure you’ve all had plenty of recent requests to sign Data Protection consent forms for every single society to which you are affiliated. In order that the Geological Curators’ Group may continue to contact you, we need you to confirm that it is still okay to do so. This is because of changes in the law relating to Data Protection which come into force on 25th May 2018. 

I’ve attached a copy of our privacy policy for your information, as well as the short form that is required by the new law. Please print out and sign the form, then either post it to the address below, or scan and email it back to me at 

Without a signed copy of this form we will be unable to contact you in the future. If you’d like more information about how our website handles your information, please e-mail

Cindy Howells

GDPR declaration form (PDF)

GCG Privacy Policy

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