We have an exciting monthly series on the Geological Collections Group blog called News from the Sector. We wanted a title that, in the great sea of social media, would tell someone at a glance what they should expect. Each month, this series will feature the latest geological and palaeontological news, jobs, exhibitions, and conferences that might tickle your fancy, if you are of the geoscience-appreciating-persuasion.

If you or your institution has anything they would like to add to, or advertise, please get in touch with Blog Editor Dr Emma Nicholls, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The deadline for additions to each issue of News from the Sector is the last day of the previous month.

You can also subscribe to our blog, so you never miss an article! Just go to the blog web page and scroll down, where you will find a link on the right hand side.

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