The Geological Collections Distributed Library
Welcome to the Geological Collections Distributed Library.
Reductions in accessible physical libraries are on the increase, while at the same time the amount of online library sources is rising. Museum curators and researchers may not even know of the existence of a particular text or digital source that can inform their collections work. Direct peer to peer knowledge transfer is also limited as assistant curator roles no longer exist in most institutions. The cataloguing and sharing of library sources (physical or digital) can improve access to and understanding of the resource that is out there.
The aim of the Geological Collections Distributed Library (GCDL) is to provide a suitable platform for cataloguing and sharing of library resources. It is for anyone caring for, or researching geological collections.
Examples of how this can benefit the sector might be:
- Improving access to non-specimen-based media
- Improving the understanding of collections and museums history and the history of geology through archives
- Informing collections development through the sharing of policies
- Providing information for palaeobiologists on type specimens
- Providing useful knowledge transfer when new curators take on a collection
- Safeguarding non-accessioned materials
The scope of the library is to provide enhanced knowledge of and access to any informative media pertaining to geological collections and their use.
The Library
The current version is a compilation of submissions amalgamated up to 24th May 2024
How Can I Help?
We’re asking the custodians of geological collections/libraries to add their internal library listings onto an Excel template.
- Download the template and guide
- Complete your listings using the excel template following the guide
- When you are finished send your listings by email To
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with ‘Geological Collections Distributed Library Update’ in the subject line.
How It Works and how to use it.
At this early stage in the library's development we are keeping things simple. Once listings are received by email, they will be added to the main library spreadsheet as soon as is practicable.
It works very much like any Excel spreadsheet. To use it, download a copy first to perform your searches offline.
Link to library spreadsheet on GoogleSheets: