GCG useful links listing
We maintain a database of useful web links for geological curation. These vary from informative websites, through to suppliers of materials which may help you to carry out your job effectively.
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Or you can enter a search term below: No results yet - try a new search or check out these random links instead...International Council of Museums [organisation] - http://icom.museum/ ICOM stands for International Council of Museums. It is an organisation that was created in 1946 by and for museum professionals. ICOM works for society and its development and is committed to guaranteeing the conservation, continuation and protection of cultural goods. ICOM has five main missions: to establish standards of excellence, to lead a diplomatic forum, to develop a professional network and to lead a global think tank and carry out international missions. Bentley Advanced Materials [supplier] - https://www.benam.co.uk/ Specialised moulding and casting covers a wide spectrum of activity, from industrial applications through to artistic creations and fabrications. We stock rubbers, plastics, epoxies, foams, plasters and a whole host of ancillary products to cover all these areas.British Geological Survey [organisation] - http://www.bgs.ac.uk/ The British Geological Survey is a world-leading geological survey. It focuses on public-good science for government, and research to understand earth and environmental processes.Association of Independent Museums [organisation] - https://www.aim-museums.co.uk/ AIM is a membership organisation, established in 1977 by the Directors of independent museums, who wanted to create a network for mutual help and support which would share good practice and create a voice for the specific needs of the growing independent sector. We support and champion independent museums, galleries and heritage organisations in the UK helping them to achieve their purposes and ensuring their needs are recognised and addressed by policy makers, funders and other organisations working in the sector.Institute of Conservation [organisation] - https://icon.org.uk/ The Institute of Conservation (Icon) is a registered charity and the professional body for the conservation of our cultural heritageHanwell Environmental Monitoring Systems [supplier] - https://www.the-imcgroup.com/brand/hanwell-environmental-monitoring/ The Hanwell environmental monitoring and control range is the result of more than 25 years design and production expertise at The IMC Group Ltd.We provide these links in good faith in the anticipation that they will be of assistance to you in performing your job. However please be aware of the following facts before you proceed.
- These links are provided free of charge and GCG has not received any reward for their inclusion
- Links were correct at the time of entry on the database
- If you spot an error, please report it to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - If you would like an entry adding to the list, please supply title, URL and description as below to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . We cannot guarantee inclusion if we feel that the link is unsuitable.
Job listings
Most jobs are advertised on-line - here we have compiled a list of possible sources for you to start your search from. Click through to see any vacancies that we know about, and to find a list of other websites. Good luck!
We no longer feature job adverts on this website as the staff overhead for generating listings is too high, however if you have posted your vacancy on Twitter or Facebook you can let us know via those channels and if we think it appropriate we'll pass it on to our members.