Introduction to GIS for Curators
Resources from the "Introduction to GIS for Curators" online workshop event held on 28th May 2020 including a recording of the event and links to the resources used.
GA virtual Festival of Geology 2020
GCG is "attending" the virtual Festival of Geology, organised by the Geologists' Association
Find out more here about what we offer.
GCG 47th Annual General Meeting - 30th November 2020
Like so many things this year, our AGM will be taking a virtual format in the shape of our usual business meeting followed by a lighthearted quiz with a geological theme! We will use the Zoom platform and registration will be free.
Please attend if you can as we have important committee business to discuss and vote upon. Please remember that anyone may attend the meeting, but to cast a vote, you must be a fully paid up individual member. Further details as they become available can be found at