Trading Nature | York, 4-5th June 2019
The King's Manor, University of York
Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th June 2019
"Trading Nature" is the summer meeting and AGM of the Society for the History of Natural History which this year is being organised in association with the Geological Curators' Group.
This two day international meeting held in York will examine the role of agents, dealers and commercial enterprises in the history of natural history.
Registration is now open! More details here, or on the SHNH web site.
Earth Science Week | October 2019
During Earth Science Week, 12th-20th October 2019, the Geological Curators’ Group will be encouraging anyone and everyone to get involved in geosciences via our social media platforms. We will be hosting themed Twitter days celebrating our wonderful fossil, rock, and mineral adorned mugs, clothes, jewellery, etc, and publishing several new articles on our blog throughout the week. Click on the link in the title for more details on how to get involved in this great event!
Winter seminar and 46th AGM | 10-11th December 2019
How can we make our precious collections available to researchers?
The theme for this year’s annual GCG conference is the provocative and thought provoking title “How can we make our precious collections available to researchers?”. We are looking for abstracts from those that work, volunteer, or have an interest in the collections management side of the debate, as well as those who carry out research on museum collections, particularly but certainly not limited to, scientists who require destructive sampling for their work.